[LPW 24] Voice Your Heart, Live with Soul~

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*Does a massive facepalm* i was just kidding im just not so sensitive to brainfreeze i guess...
Brain freeze is still acceptable for me. It's the sensitive teeth that bothering me.

BTW, what's the topic for this LPW? I just jump in without looking reading.
Brain freeze is still acceptable for me. It's the sensitive teeth that bothering me.

BTW, what's the topic for this LPW? I just jump in without looking reading.

Voice your heart! The initial meaning is if you have any bottled up emotions or have something in your chest that you want to let out, then you should do it passionately with bold determination.

Having those thoughts and feelings secluded within you can be quite damaging. Rawrrrr!

Live with soul! A slight reference to Gintama. As long as your soul is intact, no matter how many times you are defeated, you still have a chance. You can still protect those things you hold dear.


Take care... and be safe... when you do go out to work that is.
W-wh-wha--seriously?? O_O I mean heck, you just sent a chill down to my spine... I mean it's totally rare that a girl you've just met admitted that she's a sadist from the get-go O_____O"

Well, I think I understand that PoV... it's that time when I wrestled with the brainfreeze so much that I tumbled down about 8 flights of the stairs on Hardrock Cafe because I practically had no sense of direction with that on... >_<" I was utterly defeated that time, though.

And thus, the brainfreeze stood victorious over me...

That's cool... that means you can down an entire beerglass of iced lemon tea without a hitch! :O

Oh, and be careful on your way there~
lol [MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION] where that picture from?? liek is it from an anime and like which one?
oh so its from the new airing ones xD?? i tend not to watch airing anime when its airing..
well i tend not to watch airing anime. because when i do watch anime i prefer to watch more than 1 at a time... and over a week someitmes im like .. what happened in the last episode...? because its been like a long time xD
This is...GENSOKYOOOO !!!

So, I feel terribly outspammed and outdated, [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] you won the last lwp ??
I think you did congratz.

This might be a great place to bring up the question....I was thinking about making a thread about your irl picture folks.
Lately I started taking some pics here and there with my digital camera that uses up my batteries in 60 seconds ....what is it with these cameras now a days anyways....Anyways

Would anyone here dare to post pics of their "LAIR" as I call it, the place you usually sit and post spam the forums and many other interesting things. Maybe even post a portrait of yourself ?!

Is that like a no go forget it kind a thread or......
This is...GENSOKYOOOO !!!

So, I feel terribly outspammed and outdated, [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] you won the last lwp ??
I think you did congratz.

This might be a great place to bring up the question....I was thinking about making a thread about your irl picture folks.
Lately I started taking some pics here and there with my digital camera that uses up my batteries in 60 seconds ....what is it with these cameras now a days anyways....Anyways

Would anyone here dare to post pics of their "LAIR" as I call it, the place you usually sit and post spam the forums and many other interesting things. Maybe even post a portrait of yourself ?!

Is that like a no go forget it kind a thread or......

I think that qualifies more in the graphics section like how they posted screenshots or the spam section maybe....

This LPW is not meant to showcase such things.

It is meant to just chit chat and say a few things here and there... like a lounge.
Ofc Reno, I didn't mean posting it here, but making a separate thread about it, just trying to gauge the public opinion around here.

Since I wondered if I made such a thread, if it would be only my own pics on display.
Ofc Reno, I didn't mean posting it here, but making a separate thread about it, just trying to gauge the public opinion around here.

Since I wondered if I made such a thread, if it would be only my own pics on display.

Okay then. It sounds pretty neat. You can go ahead and make that thread. :3
Sure ..... But I wanna know if someone else will post something too :fulfilled: Or it will be a 1 guy thread...but nah wth....maybe I'll just see what happens.
Well, this LPW is about voicing your heart! So, you never know. Build it and they will come~
Hmm... would i dare... :x

It would be really cool if you did !
Once I made it, I'll just start with posting some pics I took last night when there was a full moon.
And then my Tech\pc Lair. Which is in my kitchen of all places LOL And I still manage to burn my food! Go figure.
Hmm... I might post something... like my chair or desk or something.
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