Sure~ here you go~ mental imageeeeeeeee~ Sending gooo... Image now in the process of sending... Hmm some random problem or another popped up D: Sam flips tables Send attempt #2 Image sending again Sam nods off Image still sending... Image sent (maybe)
Hmm so did you get anything?
And is it already nighttime there? That may also explain why I saw something of a "dark" surroundings ahaha. XD
Finished the album, almost fell completely asleep on "Last Smile" hahaha, surprisingly after the song ends, I feel refreshed, like I can still keep going even though I don't got any sleep yet. XD
Seeing responses such as these, I just realized that I've already became an audiophile ahahahahahha!!!
My everyday life right now is always filled with music, because ya know... the people in this house makes unnecessary noises, I mean, noise pollution... and they speak so loudly. DX
-And I really hate noises-
So to cover them up, I usually make my mood feel better by listening to music, hahaha, I just realized I've been living my life these past few months wearing a headset and listening to music each and everyday. XD
Surprising revelation, such major change in my personality got so unnoticed after all this time trololololololol.