[LPW#26] Everyone hates me~

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Her and I even plan on making dancing video together. I'll probably show them to you guys.
Hmm actually i had to dance the female part at times during dance class cuz im shorter... :x
I still like the fact you can dance... especially if you have a dancing partner. More enjoyable that way~
Umu. It's fun spending time with her. But the fact she has a boyfriend renders me as a friend to her. I don't quite like it.
Appears again~ :3 Hmm my crush has a bf too :x But its a really odd situation... :x
No so long as you don't bully me. But one thing certain is that there's a samyeung46 on my list. XD
Hello Frank~

Bye-bye Deca~ Please sleep soundly~ ^^
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