[LPW#26] Everyone hates me~

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I can only hope for the two of you to do well on your assignments and exams. All the best~

Bachelor party... shouldn't something he likes and can have memories... be good enough? I was always curious about those people who pop out of cakes...


Hello to you, Frank. You might have more ideas for a bachelor's party...
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me having more idea about bachelor party? no way do i have any idea about it. XD i believe i know more about wedding ceremony since i work at a church.
frank...cheer up!




rhfg8u32j45dhrt8g§"&$V?%(% !!!!!!!!


:shocked: .... frank...church...
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i might look like some pervert but i'm more religious than you thought. ^^

anyway, the bachelor party...... you're supposed to have as much fun as possible right? how about gambling until you go bankrupt? XD
lol Gambling... with me around its more like we can gain too much money. xD
yeah, suuuure~ :gotidea:

and...what did you do to the frank i knew???

shocked...how about some tournament? loser has to drink some stuff in one go?

paintball war!!!

laser tag!!
Eroge slumber party... first time I've heard of that.

I do like the classic of just drinking and hanging out with close buddies... Maybe some friend can mix drinks while the others sing some song...

I don't have too much 'wild' thoughts.

15k... I shudder at the possibilities of that occurring.
I like to drink with my close friends.

With 15k, who knows what Shiki will do with it?
Hello~ A pleasure to see you, Deca.

I guess it's a given to drink and talk about the good old times and what may come.

Maybe making some pizza and play some poker.
Umu. I remember my first experience drinking beer. My friend told me it tasted sweet, but it tasted bitter.

Or splice his genes, so he is a more power demon thingy.
Lucky from having a nice waifu, to saving up for a house, to gambling... I'm sure there are more instances... but it is true. We can't imagine nor have that kind of luck. You are lucky.
Laser tag sounds enjoyable...

It would be lonely in a big house... Hearing your voice echo in the long halls. No one to share...
upgrade for demon abilities?? XD
maybe change the color of my flames^^

paintball a no?? mmh...very picky...
go kart racing? normal racing?

ice hockey tournament! some sports.
all above with punishments!
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