[LPW#27] Let's nyaa and drink tea! :goodtea:

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Also, what do you mean by "secret" [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] ?

if you look at the NSFW, you will see those "sercret"

I love Gothic Lolita clothing. One of my many fetishes actually...

I think it's a MAID!!!!

Goshujin-sama ~ ♪ ♫
i could swear the r wasnt red before. and greetings to those i havent greeted before. :goodtea:
imagine this

okaerinasai, Goshujin-sama, gohan nisuru, ofuro nisuru, soretomo wa-ta-shi?

Hey, Frankincense, morning



W-Which VN's CG is this? DX

And I see another fan of Paizuri huehuehuehuehue :evillaugh:

:nosebleed: :vomitblood:

-And here I am, just done with my... 'after-waking-up-routine'-

Long hair... shoulder length... and mine as well. DX

Eh hello again guys, just thought imma check stuffs here before I start my day, and unfortunately, my body clock is so messed up so I sleep around 4-6AM, wake up around 12-2PM, so my "day" technically starts around 4PM up to around 3AM in the morning ahahahah. XD

Though I might become really busy in the following days for real. :U
okaerinasai, Goshujin-sama, gohan nisuru, ofuro nisuru, soretomo wa-ta-shi?

Classic lines.

Hello Shiki... Missed you~

Hi Ruri... Glad to see you~
I do have a special place in my heart for cute things. Especially those who say 'Onii-chan~'.
*throw a lighted match at those covers Check has*

[MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] : Morning. ^^ It's from Sora to Kumo to Kimi no Koi.
hey [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]. I've always been curious but what's the classic lines in otome game? I'm sure they have something right?

*cast a spell on it
[MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] : Goodmorning~ Also, good luck the following days then if it becomes really busy.
I love Gothic Lolita clothing. One of my many fetishes actually...

You're not alone. :evillaugh:

And I like those clothes so much I may even be wearing them all the time in the near future while frolicking around the city hahaha.

/crossdress gender troll mode

imagine this

okaerinasai, Goshujin-sama, gohan nisuru, ofuro nisuru, soretomo wa-ta-shi?


Seems Checkmate and I have same fetishes HAHAHAHAHA!! Dang, once I free up some space on my computer, I might as well have a special day for indulging in VNs. :vomitblood:

Good morning as well, oh imma check that out kekekeke. :evillaugh:

Yeah, thanks as well. XD

I believe something along the lines of...

"I want to 'eat' you up."

"Don't say such embarrassing/foolish things."

"How about we go 'in' together?"

"You've been a reckless/naughty girl lately... What am I going to do with you?"

Probably plenty more... It's about the same as shoujo manga.
[MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] We shall cross-dress and frolic around the city together?
sleep 2-3AM usually wake up at 6-7AM

typical line?? lets do it?? (do it, do it, do it...) xDDD

and its from that game? YES! already downloaded ;D

well, maids are fine^^
Oh silly me, I just DLed that CG set a few days ago, but wasn't able to check it out yet hahaha, so that's why the girl looks familiar. :XD:

Anyway imma eat my breakfast+lunch+snack=???? nao, and do some groceries again haha. :evillaugh:

Hehe... hehehe... $_$

[MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] We shall cross-dress and frolic around the city together?

Ahaha, that would be good. :evillaugh:
Ah that reminds me when I once reverse cross-dressed.
If I had cut my hair back then it would have been better though..
ror...glocelies it is again :XD:

i dont cosplay, crossdress or anything like that...
[MENTION=27460]Bloodhorn[/MENTION] Hello to you~

Mokou reversed crossed-dressed?

I have not once crossed-dressed... Doesn't appeal to me.
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