[LPW #29] To the Stars

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Happy happy!


I'm busy playing something atm though but I promise the next story gonna be very very exciting...
If it's Check's life, I think it'll be like an Eroge schene or something similar, but a good Eroge... For sure...

Any body played Hoshizora no Memoria? Check?

It's how I invited her to my room and it's also the first time she see a boy room... not typical boy's... Checkmate's room

Quite extraordinary... uehuehuehue

And then, lots of thing happen in my room, gradually...

Any body played Hoshizora no Memoria? Check?

I don't think I did, I heard the translation sucks but I can't personally comment on it since I haven't played it and they might interpret my comment as AS's hostile position toward staircase subs

We are a big community, so I have to be careful about what I said >_>, well we all have.

AS staff are not allowed to troll nor cockfights
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When Checkmate and his 'friend' is in Check's room they (insert an activity here) until the next morning...

There is a translation for that game? :surprised:
Never knew... I just got the game today... And the fan disc...

I'm gonna ask 'Which route should I play first.. ' That's all...
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Oh Check is corrupting people again. Morning LPW!

We are a big community, so I have to be careful about what I said >_>, well we all have.

AS staff are not allowed to troll nor cockfights

One of many reasons I don't want to become a staff. =D
When Checkmate and his 'friend' is in Check's room they (insert an activity here) until the next morning...

Not true, she doesn't stay overnight >_>

Though I get to enjoy her all Saturday afternoon, we usually play family game on the day
Which route I should finish first, Deca?

Oh.. Then let's change it to this one :

When Checkmate and his 'friend' is in Check's room they (insert an activity here) until they fell asleep...
I like playing family games.

[MENTION=27188]SainTPrimE[/MENTION] Go with your least favorite first, then save the best for last.
Ok, Deca.. Thanks for the suggestions...

Hmn.. Let's see...
Knowing I need to finish some route to unlock the next... For the first 3/4 available route..
I think I'll play Aoi's route for the last (since I'm a loli con...)
Hmn... Maybe I'll play Komomo's route before Aoi's.... That mean I'll play..
/me continue to say things about the routes...

Crappy as in I'm living by myself, no warmth, no friends, nothing

Imouto no Katachi - What makes an imouto

True happiness made from love

Then it shall change sometime soon! Simple as that.
With the most random encounter possible, if I might add.

[MENTION=29]Neo-Exile[/MENTION] Nothing much. I'm just watching some YouTube videos. You?

[MENTION=27188]SainTPrimE[/MENTION] I'm fine, thank you for asking. And how are you?

More Imouto no Katachi? Chimari...

I honestly have little idea about what I'm doing right now .-. Browsing? Downloading? Listening to music? All of it, maybe?
The latter is the most true, perhaps, but I'm not sure about it either ._.
When Checkmate and his 'friend' is in Check's room they (insert an activity here) until they fell asleep...

All the activities are done on bed though, so it was pretty tiresome after that :<
Nothing ero! Duh

/me is Pure and Innocent

I'll tell the story later :x
Prime afaik Hoshimemo TL patch cuts some loli scene due to law. =P

Hmm, I see. I see. Now I know why Check needed a double bed.
Frank, DAFUQ?!! FOR REALL?!!

Cause a single bed is not wide enough for Check to do his maneuvers?

A queen bed actually, it's not very big, but not very small, enough for 2 persons to snuggle comfortably to each other hur hur hur
Prime start reading from here for info and solution:

Although I know now why he needed a big bed, I have no idea why he needed to do it on a bed though. I mean there are wider places, like his backyard or the park or somewhere else.
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I thought you already knew about the loli part, Eroge priest. After all, you like to play Eroge.
They censored Mare's H-scene with dolphins? Urusanai...
So... I just have to delete that folder... Yoshi.... Owarida...

Don't you need a double bed to do various positions? Of playing 'games' of course...

Gonna go off again... My neck is starting to hurt... My eyes too.. Thanks to the MC work yesterday.. I can;t believe that I do all the job at the grad ceremony, I mean, I'm the seitokai-cho after all but, there are other members at the student council beside me... Why I take all the work... Any way.. Laters everyone...
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bed = soft and warm, it's the best place! I prefer it the best

Btw, having a female friend who knows all of your favorites (food, color, seats, tastes etc...), and fetish... I mean hobbies is quite nice

We can do almost everything together, coffee, movie, shopping. We can even go on a trip and stay on a same room, sleep on the same bed, save money. We can also take bath together and other stuff, quite fun ♥

Her body is very soft and is much warmer than mine, it's very comfortable to snuggle to, but I don't have many chance to do so, which is sad.

cheer up, don't be all saddle like that :<


if I can suggest you a really comedy game that guarantee some laugh and is in english, would you play it?

No way...
I am at a point, when I cant be even bothered with life this dark dark week, let alone enjoying shows or playing games, it aint gonna change a thing. :(

/me continues to drift further away
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redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

can you upload android version of B-Ginga simulation games ? thx in advance
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏