[LPW #29] To the Stars

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Good night Sam~

Hmm... /me shall do some shopping in this hot and humid heat

Bye-bye as well~
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] Have a good night's rest Sam.

[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] Hope you find something you like to wear when you go shopping! Just try not to go for black =]

Good bye you two! :bye:
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[MENTION=8332][MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] Hope you find something you like to wear when you go shopping! Just try not to go for black =]

Haha... it's navy blue Chinese-style sleeveless top with peonies and golden colored embroidery. The bottom is a slightly darker shade of blue... capris.

Aquamarine/sea-foam colored purse.

Long dangling earrings with golden flowers and light blue beads.

Light tan 1-inch heel flip-flop sandals with a reddish flowery pattern.

See you~
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See you both later..
I shall take my leave as well... Need to do some work and I'm hungry..
Don't know.. But I'll be back..
[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] a user is complaining how i always use edoc as my main upload site! and use rapidgator as my mirror... he complain why do im not using rapidgator as my main
Ops... Wrong post..
Just copying my backup of Animes.. How are you guys...?
[MENTION=27188]SainTPrimE[/MENTION] Fine thank you, though I think I'll be taking my leave soon since I'll be letting my sister use the laptop.
i see that some people misunderstood with what i was saying a few hours back... what i meant by my thread was my eromanga thread, did you remember my rant 2 days ago... how some gay complain at me, just because he can't download it from my link...

and this afternoon... well yesterday actually... it's friday already today :evillaugh:
he show up again and saying why am i uploading the raw manga while the translated is already made!
Good luck with that Anima...

And Gwee... Same here.. I need to go to sleep rith now.. since I have to do something at school tomorrow...
time to sleep now... tomorrow is the last day for work! after that... weekend await!
Lol, do you really think they will try to understand it. I highly doubt about that.

Oyasumi Anima~
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