LPW [3] So the official Saber-con wins LPW [2]...let's make LPW [3]!!!!!!!!!!! EXCALIBURRRRRR....XD

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reallive? It's an engine call RealLive, sort of visual novel engine

Every eroge company used certain engine.Either free open sourced, licensed, or develop their own engine.

But most of them use commercial licensed engine since it's cheaper to develop their own
hmm, is there any way to solve them? i am not asking to replace the exe(i know it cannot be done)
the games often show weird text boxes after i start up, although game can be played. will this affect the gameplay?
@Terumi what do you mean solve? Email who develop the software to change its name from RealLive to EroLive or something?

@Nemuru: it's ... nvm :p. One day onii-chan will tell you ^^
@Onii-chan: uu.. okay ^^

Those dota players... -facepalm-
I really wanna bang my head against the wall now.
The key to interpreting what Check means is just to take the most perverted thing that comes to mind - it's usually close. ;)
Nemuru , u dont need to understand what checkmate says XD
What's wrong about juice anyway >.<
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