Eroge again >.> Check is that all you got in your mind? ;P
Not exactly:
I build serious storage system, like 40TB expandable to 100TB Project in 2011
> to store eroge
I placed servers: web servers, Gigabit distro server, Tetrabyte storage server, etc
> to promote eroge
I build high powered PC, things you don't even see in store, and probably not many would opt for such configuration, 2 x 8 cores CPU (16 cores total) for example with 24GB DDR3, with 10.000RPM Drive and multiple SSDs
> to play eroge smoothly
I also build large screen home threatre, armed with complete surround system, sound proof room
> to enjoy anime and eroge projected to the screen
I also opt for audio equipments, things you only see in big audio stores only demo unit, with expensive amplifiers, headphone (a single headphone that worth as much as 2-3 gaming laptops)
> to enjoy eroge, OST, and whatever does have sound
I also have a bulletproof spares backups: hardware backups, data backup, ISP backup, server backup, even phone backup so in case something goes wrong, I can quickly replace it and get it back in action
> to enjoy eroge without any long disruptive or outage
I plan to collect: artbooks, cute figurines, dakimakura, fllowing eroge-related magazine, blogs, etc...
> to keep me up to date the upcoming eroge, improve my Japanese so I can have a smooth eroge experience
Conclude: it is obviously that eroge isn't all I got in my mind ^^