LPW [3] So the official Saber-con wins LPW [2]...let's make LPW [3]!!!!!!!!!!! EXCALIBURRRRRR....XD

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@Nemuru: In fact, yes, after I finish my homework here that is ><
So how's it going?~

@Check: Quick! Rejuvenate yourself with your holy juice~
*I rise from the dark abyss* I'm back guys lol. By the way, nice new avatar, Shadow.
@Shadow: Ohh.. homework must be tiring you out :p
Good i guess ^^ After finding out i had a bill of 29,000 yen >_>

@Onii-chan: ummm..... hello onii-chan~

Hihi Axy~
@Axis: Ahah, thanks. "I rise from the dark abyss" sounds like something I would say man, but eh not like I mind :P

@Nemuru: Yes, I really hate writing poems with so many restrictions. But ah well, at least I can write about anything I want~
And where'd that bill come from? D:

Well, I'm done with my stupid sonnet, so I guess I'll hang around for a while and then sleep early. With multple layers of blankets.
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@Nemuru: seem you're still mad with Oniichan >.>
@Shadow: What kind of restrictions?
It came from buying PVC figurines >_>

@Onii-chan: Noo... I wasn't in the first place :p
@Nemuru: Ah well, restrictions as in how to use the certain rhyme scheme, how many syllables have to be used in every line, and all that good stuff. And haha wow, figurines, have fun =P
I have a feeling I'm going to have to memorize a sonnet and recite it in my class later in this unit.. >.>
Lol later we have to do individual slam poems and speak in front of everyone while trying to remember what our poem was... I wonder what the results will be -.-
Yeah, I remember hearing about your guys' slam poems on Facebook. What are these slam poems?
Notice ShadowlockIV's avatar is a Miko ♥ ♥ ♥
nope, but don't hold me to that
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