[LPW #31] Powa to da Mad C4tz!!

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Of course its always tasty. After all, im always cooking for the 2 of us here.
Maa, I've been cooking ever since I was 6. And always try to find new thing to cook.
depending on your skills, it will also taste better than ordering stuff.
I think the last time I've ordered food was when I was still in high school. xD
still do it from time to time. :goodtea:

anyways homemade > ordered~

putting your feelings into it and so on makes it more special and bla bla bla~
Haha, when im out with friends we always end up in a restaurant but strangely enough, they're always willing to pay my share. xD

Meh, off to play some tennis. ;p

Jaa ne~
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lol. do something you enjoy and forget about it :>

and i want ppl to pay for my share as well >.<

sup, gwee!


sup, samson!
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