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Kami-sama if you have some free time could you not find me the OSTs? D: (I'm just joking btw, don't get too serious about it ;P)
King - Yeah, so much free time that im in the need to download all the TV Show my cousin want because I know way more sources and his sources are all dead. D:

As for waifu car, I don't know yet. Maybe an Hunday Elentra or something of the like.
xD Bye Decal, we (WON'T) miss you

I see...I guess you're too busy downloading TV shows xD
Been downloading TV Show like crazy for the past 2-3 days. Cops show, drama, comedy, etc...
Lol. I'm not leaving Anime Sharing. I'll be on both forums, if it's possible for me to do so.
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