[LPW #34] Spam Heaven!

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i want to see some hadaka apron.. and BBQ.. and a LAN-party! :goodtea:
Cool. The story gets much and much better. The saga after the next one you're watching (The World Government Saga) is definitely one of my favourites. It's so damn good! And the manga gets even better. I waited two whole years for the chapters to pile up since I felt One Piece is one of the anime where you have to watch a while series in one go rather than waiting a week for the next. xD
That's the thing about One Piece, every arc you watch in One Piece is the best so far until you watch the next one~ =]

Best ongoing anime by far.
I don't think is as long as a couple of hundred episodes...like 556 episodes and 66 volumes of manga ._.
Come on guys~ No need to bash at each other's anime. =]

Both are good (in my opinion) since I've watched both~ :goodtea:

But I feel Fate/Stay Night should get a remake since it didn't follow the VN as much.
Yes. There's also a manga for it too. Still being translated as fas as I know =]
Mmm, well if you ever want to watch a Fate anime, well there's only 2 anime series and 1 movie, watch Fate/Zero. It's just better as an anime series in so many ways compared to Fate/Stay Night.
Actually, that's not true, there is a Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction, if you really want to watch the F/SN, I recommend that, its only two blu-rays
Wasabi's review on Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction:

Wow. Just wow. Jamming such a story as vast as Fate/Stay Night into two hours is not a good idea. It definitely isn't. Fate/Stay Night TV Reproduction is basically a summary of the 2006 series. While it includes most of the important bits, so much of the much needed dialogue and scenes were just missing. This is not meant to be seen before the TV series.

Story [6]: Not good. While it does somewhat convey the overall storyline, it still leaves many things unanswered. So many plot points have been removed that it just doesn't feel like the story was really engaging at any point. Scenes will just jump around and you will be left wondering how this or that happened. For example, Shirou and Saber are recovering from a battle and then in the next scene, they're fully healed and already in a completely different location fighting another battle. What happened in between? How did they get there? Why are they suddenly healed so quickly? These are questions viewers who has not seen FSN yet would ask.

All the fight scenes have been shortened as well. Fights that were suppose to be at least half an episode's length has been reduced to nothing but a few short minutes. This is truly an extremely condensed version of the story.

Art [8]: The animation is pretty much remastered footage from the anime. It's still crisp and clear and it conveys the what is supposed to be colorful characters in the anime. The various noble phantasms are still excellent quality but unfortunately, cut short so many times.

Sound [8]: The OP to this work features a new version of the original anime's "disillusion" by Tainaka Sachi. The music from the VN and the anime are still here. A nice blend of mellow tunes that kind of fits into the shortened disjointed scenes but lacks to really draw us back in to the world of Fate/Stay Night.

Character [6]: This is where this two part summary really falls. So much of the dialogue between the characters and their developments were removed for the sake of time. Barely any characters had any development whatsoever. The only characters to even get a sliver of development were Shirou and Saber but even that was just nearly non-existant. The dialogue between all of the characters was what made them great but alas, without it, we don't really care much about them at all.

Enjoyment/Overall [7/6]: While I enjoyed immersing myself into the world of FSN once again, the disjointed and heavily cut direction really distracted me from keeping up with the story. The scenes were just jumping around so fast that they don't let you absorb what had actually transpired then. This is a poorly made summary recap of the original FSN. While it will remind you of most of the important things that happen, it doesn't really pull you back in the world of FSN. If they really wanted to do a summary, DEEN should've at least made an effort to reedit the script and change the animation enough to have it flow better instead of just cutting and pasting a bunch of the same footage together. This is definitely not made to be a standalone work. You'll need prior knowledge of FSN to really understand what actually transpired in the recap.

And where the fuck was my "People die when they are killed" line? Terrible. Just terrible.

Doesn't sound too good in my opinion~
I never said in anywhere it was good did I? I would just recommend it over the F/SN series if you only want to glance over it...It squeeze the 24 episode into 2 hours, it give you the important bits, saves you the bullshit...
Even so, you want to give a good impression to others about how good an anime is and why you like it.

Though Unlimited Blade Works had a really fast pace. I enjoyed it a lot. So much action flying around~
I would never recommend the F/SN to anyone purely because of how poorly it was produced, like I said, if you want to watch the Fate series, watch Fate/Zero, but if you really wanted to know what happened in F/SN, then watch the Fate/Stay Night TV Production, but by no means I think F/SN or F/SN TV Reproduction will leave a good impression what so ever...
Yes, hence why people will always recommend reading the VN if they wish to know everything~

Maa, shall we move on from this topic? OwO
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