the sad thing is, I think that the people who need the most help are the ones who don't look or ask for it. :f I would do marriage, but I prefer to help people before they go through their life in a crisis. Younger people are more willing to accept help/instruction, whereas older folks with just be offended even if you're giving them exactly what they asked for. If anything, I could do one as a hobby and the other as a job, but I can only go so far with that according to the ethnics or wtv.
The biggest thing I see a need in schools is that people often think they "don't have time" to meet with someone. Or if they get in trouble, there's no one they can talk to, etc. There may be people who feel pressured that if they seek help, it gives off a sign of weakness. It's hard to keep a balance of who I'm more worried about :f
There's one challenge I need to see through first though. I've heard that it's emotionally draining to counsel people (but I've never heard of anything beyond that vague explanation).
You could say I worry too much :p

The advisers keep saying not to worry about my major til later, but they don't know how slow I am with deciding XD