Good morning people of the LPW~
[MENTION=17020]神摂理潮[/MENTION] When I meant 'birthday' being not that important I was only implying that the word itself isn't significant but rather the actions that are taken are what makes a birthday what it is. I mean, my cousin who is on average 2 years older than me still celebrates by having a large party at his house and it spans over a few days: one for includes friends and cousins; one for family only; and the last one is a free day to whoever would like to go or was unable to go the other two days. (I pretty much go to all of them *ehehe*)
I still celebrate my birthday but not necessarily on the day. I usually do so during the weekends when everyone is free that time and still do the whole eat food, have fun, then have cake at the end thing. And if I happen to get a present as well, it's an added bonus. If not, fair enough (though last year a friend of mine gave me a gift a few months later saying it was for the birthday that passed). To be honest though, I'd say birthdays are also another means as to allowing me to get together with people since some happen to be really busy and almost have no time for anything. For people to give up their time to see you shows that they really care, and I am a person who values friendship a lot, hence why I enjoy my birthdays (but it starts to lose it's meaning as time goes on). I am also content so long as the people who took the time to see me are also content too.
To sum it up, birthdays are still like talismans (the exterior doesn't matter, but what's done for the birthday that counts). I'm at the age where I'm not restricted from doing anything, except driving since the legal age is now 21. D:
Anyway, these are my perspectives of birthdays. Hope this helps clear up any misconception I have given about what I think of birthdays and whatnot. =]
Hello Sam, Second, Slayn~