[LPW#39] ☆♪Smile and Be HAPPY!!♪☆ ゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*(^O^☆♪ MARSHMALLOWS AND BUNNIES AND RAINBOWS OH MY!!!~<3

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Yeah, every six months actually. I should do the same to mine. Though I heard not all mattresses can be flipped - in which case you just turn them around.
Hmm not sure if it was 20 but then you dont need to keep flipping mattresses ;p more than enough to just switch every so often~ I do wonder what happens if she accidentally rolled a bit while sleeping ;p
If we're talking spring mattresses, then I'd say about 10 feet, at least? Though in one version I read, the Queen called for 'all the spare mattresses in the castle' and not just 20 but meh, who knows? xD
Well i have no idea xD Enough to hurt ;p

Hmp... I wonder I can never seem to upload image files here. Guess it's time to dig up my old photobucket password anyway.
Just random ;p


If you want to post images through url you have to uncheck that odd box after entering the url~
No, I was trying to upload an image from my computer. xD


Not discriminating against anyone or anything but I still thought the last picture was funny.
Hey.... He is enjoying his consoles meal times.... Which is eating game hour 24/7....
Wish I had a Wii.... :enraged: Damn you Nintendo, why didn't you released Fatal Frame 4 to the state..... :raging:
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