[LPW #4] This one is for you, Kanade-chan!!!

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goes off to sleep... gonna drown my incapabilities in getting games
night guys
I am also here in between posting Da Capo II and a few new series.
Taking a little break from DJing and wishing whoever is there a merry christmas =3
Time for me to slp 1st. Enjoy the holidays.

Oyasumi Minna.
Sup Anti, was gonna ask you whether you seen Mio-sama Character Single anywhere? I can't find it and I want that song from MM! final episode: Happy Birthday my Holy day
8 anime series and two English eroge uploaded. Busy day today. :P
Such a busy day one christmas, Coro xD

Im taking a break, and I put a 2 hours mix that I made last night to breath a little bit xd
Well, I want to get up 1TB of unique anime links - so far I'm up to 850GB. Considering that nearly 500 of those have been posted in 8 days I figure I'm good in the time. :P
xD Thanks for the messages Anti ;P I knew I didn't miss out anything ;S I'm sad that no one uploaded it...is a nice song in my opinion
Okay, I should be at 930GB uploaded now (need to post a few more), so if I finish putting up all the stuff that is in storage anyway I should have the TB tomorrow or the day after.
Then I have to start on the BDs for this season, which apparently means uploading everything that Kira did the last week (By a coincidence Kira and Coalgirls are doing pretty much the same shows with the same subtitles - since Kira encodes better they're the obvious choice. :P).
Hmm, so much to do. ~_~
Well, you could start uploading as well. Or making the descriptions - after all they take up most of the time. :D
Just wondering - where on earth did you get all those anime & VN?
Welcome back Shadow!

At corocoro: What descriptions? o.O

Me, upload? Hell no my brother will kill me for stealing the 2mb/s bandwidth we have :S
@alex their are plenty of places out there that give out anime to download.

@coro, I'll go ahead and upload a BD anime then ^^ It's been awhile since I uploaded such huge files @_@
howdy people.
dang i had 1 of the worst sundays of my life, crazy group mate asked for a project meeting...
Hi terumi~

OK, I'll do Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu (from Kirakira) then if you don't mind Coro.
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