Well, im going to enjoy my last day of break without work today and start DJing tomorrow starting a 5pm until 3 am.
Then, I'll have a few hours of sleep and keep on going the next day xD
Finally, complete rest on the third day.
@Cocona: It's Angel Beats. Mazui and UTW versions are uploaded here.
It's the main character from the original dispensing tips about moving on - obviously it's after the series and the fact that he's waiting for someone is just sealing it. Of course it could be a time loop, but I find that rather unlikely. ;)
It's been mentioned plenty of times here - details are sketchy, but shall soon be revealed!
Unless the anime is boring, in which case it shall remain a mystery until I google it.
Aw shucks, the nostalgia. I remember that after lurking for a while, I finally decide to make this account and socialize for a bit. Too bad I forgot the damn password. I should really start to note them down somewhere.
This account I'm currently typing with, had to be my 4th one. Totally forgot the name of the first one I made for lurking, coz I was still paranoid of this site back then.