It's easy~ so long as you carry the right principles it'll be easy as pie. Most people say it's a hassle, but it can be enjoyable. Well, it depends if you like that kind of work. I can't really decide anyway >_>
I am a Super-mod elsewhere. And I disagree with modding being a hassle. I like that king of work ;D To be the one that carry's the whip always beats the one staying in line. <- my train of though, please ignore that xDDD
Black rock shooter tag looks cool indeed~ I was there was one with a cool hat... like the one that Luca wears in her 5th cosmophere from Ar tonelico 2~
Hello, I downloaded the file from Part 3, but I am unable to unzip it due to an error. Please help me and fix this.
Shine[241026][IRON Y] 優しい悔シコビッチなバリキャリ妻の出張浮気報告 ──部下の下剋上チンポで仕返し鬼ピストンされた夜── チンポ号泣 [RJ01260377]'