so i.... There's a few things I should say~ Click here to enlarge
There is certainly anime fans at your school. I know there's a few at mine, but most of them I don't know who they are, or they aren't into the type I like. The idea of people judging you for a hobby really depends on the person~ I mean, how were you introduced to anime? If it weren't for my friend, I wouldn't be watching anime or be here~ Click here to enlarge Sooo you might be that person in another's life too, even if you just met.
ummmm It's not any easier for girls to talk about anime. If you think about wtv culture (mine for example) the majority of girls care about what the media feeds them~ Click here to enlarge they go after movies, music, books, clothing, etc. They also would have to be walked into anime~ But that's not the end. There are girls that don't want to be thought of weird because they like reverse-harems, fujoushi, yuri, etc. Even though society is trying to promote it, it's still no more embarrassing than talking about your favorite things to do~
Things are really a big deal if you think of them that way, or act like it has to be a secret. There's people that wear anime shirts and ppl are like COOL WHAT IS THAT?? D: sooooo~ just because you don't see a majority, it doesn't mean they aren't there Click here to enlarge
btw I do struggle with talking to other people in class~ not too sure why, but I plan on getting a little help for that.