I like a girl for what she is, not for what she could be...
hmmmm there's only so far you can go with that idea~ Do you know at least 1 girl really well? People can't know everything about each other, but they can know alot~ one example that I heard is that it's like getting different level college degrees when you learn about your significant other, and how well you do with that person depends on how much you know^^
People do change every day~ it's part of being human. Accepting that person is also accepting what they might change about them. Girls want to be loved for their inner qualities, not just their looks~ (thoo they'd like it if you did XD)
Being able to lead a girl into what she wants to do in life is something alot of them look for. Otherwise, you'd get used to the emotion and get "Bored". mmmm that reminds me~ relationships need a healthy foundation to last. Each person bases it on something else. One might have the relationship for the emotions, and it that's gone, guess what happens?
There can be other foundations, but I might get into that another time~
And u are saying they are thinking about marriage at age of 18 ? Not really, they just wanna have fun same way men do...
When I was 9, I was in a relationship~

I knew a girl who wanted to get married when she was 11. I know someone who's engaged at age 14-ish~
hmmm do you know how often girls talk to each other about boys? :3 I doubt you do~ XD
they rarely let any boy know about their boy preferences :P
for some girls, they might give into the pressure of finding self-worth by giving guys "fun." That often puts them in a damaging relationship. (more about that when I talk about media~)
Yes, there are boys/girls that just want to have fun, but is it really fun to get hurt in the process? for me, I don't want to get married and have a divorce thinking it was just for fun~ I want a serious life with someone who values me and is willing to put away themselves just enough to work out any problems~ that's what I would do for them too :3
I know everyone is not like that, but more detail later of course XD
And every girl will atleast once try to change her man and that's a fact.
It really depends on who you are, and who they are~ I remember talking to a friend of mine and asked her why do some girls go after "manly" men. From what we talked about, we came up with that it's because a girl thinks that she'll have him forever for meaning alot to him~ I mean, in a way it's like saving their life? not that they really are, just how much the girl means to them~
U can't ever be happy, deal with it...
I have a life, purpose, and full of happy even when sad~ it doesn't come from friends, family, a spouse, job, or anything religious~

I know many people in my life who are the same way also~ Anyone can be happy. Living ideally is not how you can be happy~ which I can testify to or find some examples~