Today is the day of reckoning~ Prepare thyself, oh foolish one~
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,076 Today is the day of reckoning~ Prepare thyself, oh foolish one~
thecoins Velvet Voice, Raindear Elite Member Jul 20, 2012 8,933 127 Oct 29, 2012 #2,077 Quite lively here...
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,078 Hath thou come join the cause~ Oh mighty, Coins?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,080 Hmm.... Is the mention all bug out???? [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]......
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Oct 29, 2012 #2,081 /me sets up sniper post
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,083 Hmm.... Putting the @ in front of the name don't seem to work.....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Oct 29, 2012 #2,084 You need to do @persons name; now Slayn~ [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION];
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,085 I just did.... Don't seem to mention them.... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] EDIT: I need to type it out.....
I just did.... Don't seem to mention them.... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] EDIT: I need to type it out.....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Oct 29, 2012 #2,086 Hmm, [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION]; I don't know if it works for myself but trying~ xD Edit: Make sure no space between persons name and the ;
Hmm, [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION]; I don't know if it works for myself but trying~ xD Edit: Make sure no space between persons name and the ;
Baal Elite Member Elite Member Oct 25, 2012 1,000 15 Oct 29, 2012 #2,087 FOR GLORY -raises up shield-
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,088 Hmm.... So I got to have nothing next to their name now...... Crude.... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] EDIT: Hmm.... @ seem to be not working for me.....
Hmm.... So I got to have nothing next to their name now...... Crude.... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] EDIT: Hmm.... @ seem to be not working for me.....
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Oct 29, 2012 #2,089 Hmm is that really how the mention works now?
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Oct 29, 2012 #2,090 [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; failed at it? D: Edit: Yes sammy~ Ignis posted a update about it earlier today, you can find the thread somewhere. :) I believe Snow was having a issue with @ for something and it was changed~ Edit 2: Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
[MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; failed at it? D: Edit: Yes sammy~ Ignis posted a update about it earlier today, you can find the thread somewhere. :) I believe Snow was having a issue with @ for something and it was changed~ Edit 2:
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Oct 29, 2012 #2,091 lol just an fyi~ he didn't make the change just because I brought it up~ it was probably planned with the update and all. plussss I didn't make the change or ask for it, but i'm okay with it kinda~ :p
lol just an fyi~ he didn't make the change just because I brought it up~ it was probably planned with the update and all. plussss I didn't make the change or ask for it, but i'm okay with it kinda~ :p
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,092 Hmm.... So that the reason why..... Well.... Time to find the thread....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Oct 29, 2012 #2,094 I posted the thread in my edit [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; Here it is again though~ Edit: Oh my mistake Snow~ I just read earlier you had a issue with @ and that Ignis replied with the new update~ :)
I posted the thread in my edit [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; Here it is again though~ Edit: Oh my mistake Snow~ I just read earlier you had a issue with @ and that Ignis replied with the new update~ :)
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,095 Hmm.... Need to add ; now if I want to mention..... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION]; EDIT: No worry... I found it...
Hmm.... Need to add ; now if I want to mention..... [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION]; EDIT: No worry... I found it...
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Oct 29, 2012 #2,097 hmmm okay~~ goodluck winning the lpw [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; hmmm i wish [MENTION=33148]Kasumi[/MENTION]; would win one sometime~ I bet i know what she'd make XD
hmmm okay~~ goodluck winning the lpw [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; hmmm i wish [MENTION=33148]Kasumi[/MENTION]; would win one sometime~ I bet i know what she'd make XD
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Oct 29, 2012 #2,098 I still blame [MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION]; for it.....:P J/K Minor change.... No problem what so ever..... EDIT: Procrastination LPW....
I still blame [MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION]; for it.....:P J/K Minor change.... No problem what so ever..... EDIT: Procrastination LPW....
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Oct 29, 2012 #2,099 lol actually, i do feel kinda hated for making that post
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Oct 29, 2012 #2,100 Why is that? D: I wasn't hating on you at all for it, I'm sorry if I offended. ._.;