[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; soooo if i may ask~ if you could decide, would you prefer to be 100% female or male?
There was some interesting topics my teacher brought up in class today. She mentioned some people she met. There was one guy who was biologically male, but looked and sounded female. That person was not accepted in either gender community, nor ones that are same-gender oriented. (gy and lesb)
The only place the person found some friends was with people who had the same issue~ soo it kinda makes me wonder >.<
it's not like they got to choose who to be :f
There was this one story in my psy book about a twin boy (bruce) that became Brenda because of an issue with circumcision.
Later, that person was told what his real gender was, and ended up having a wife and adopted children. He later killed himself when he was like 35, in 2004.
sooo it sounds like gender really is a big deal

How far some things are acceptable, idk~ it feels awkward, but it's something I'd be willing to help other people in~ whether it's accepting who they are oorrrr finding a way to change what they want to x-x