Okay.... I make sure we don't have the same face....:D BTW, how big is the size of the game??? My games is in a rar within a rar.... Can't really tell and I want know before hand so I can delete games that I don't play of my memory card....
Hmm... I got three memory card.... 8gb and two 4gb... One of the 4gb got music in it so I don't use it.... That mean I'm gonna delete unite of my 4gb with gungnir games.... It got 410mb left on that one.....
EDIT: Hmm... I thought LPW is the place you can talk bout anything.....
We are allowed to chat about video games in the LPW. Random chit-chat is one of the rules that is allowed. Also, we can move onto another topic, such as a guy dancing in a pimp costume while gangster rap is playing in the background and 'OBAMA WON!' is flashing on the screen.
Hmm, did Obama win? I don't pay attention to political nonsense. I just know even though I only have like 10 friends on facebook I'm being outcasted and trashed for not voting lol.
Well the fact that they had only counted the middle states where romney was pretty much sure to win probably added to how romney seemed to be leading ;p
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.