[LPW #43]I'm A Batcow, moooooomad?

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doing other jobs/sidelines anyhooooo I'll be taking a break from spamming until I finish writing that story that I never seem to finish
these next few weeks will determine whether or not i'm able to stay.. x-x :deadsad:

i'm going to bed before i get sick from staying up late x-x
[MENTION=36828]SaikoMorino[/MENTION] ; Ki-kun looks like so hot in your display picture. ASNDKJANFJWD. /me dies from bloodloss.
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; its one of the few times he actually decided to look agressive hahaha
Hmm of course theres always the fact that there are already doppelgangers in other dimensions and time frames~ ;p
the world in which all dimensions come from and where the "original" of anything exists. once something in the root world is destroyed so will be in every other dimension.. If I destroy you there you wouldn't exist anywhere else.
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