Re: [LPW #44]Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions
mmmmmm maybe not everything but shurrrrr~~~~
sooo this morning there was lots of frost everywhere, but it looked like snow~ :P
It's been like that for a while, but it still makes me happy XD
ummm instead of taking home a chemy quiz, my teacher decided to do it in class together, and he basically gave us the answers.
ummmmmm our german class had this group competition thing, and the group i was in finally got something x-x
usually the teacher is just... idk the whole thing is a mess T~T she's a nice person and all, but the way she teaches isn't best for everything. half the class failing the first test is a definite sign of that T~T
sooo after morning classes were done, they had a book fair~<3 XD
It was kinda small, but half of them were childrens books and i was like :O *grabs a few*
sooooo i knew i didn't need them yet~ but they were fun to look at :P
then I got one book that i can't wait to read XD it sounds inspirational~ since usually i can't get stuff like this very often x-x
this is what i got~
ummmmm then i tried to prepare my notebook for my lab final since i had to turn it in x-x
I've been using pink ink since i lost my black one XD
thennnn after the stressfulness of lab was over~ my lab partner and i went downstairs like usual~ then i asked if he wanted my number and he's like sure

sooo i kinda got to make a new friend :P
thennnn i was happy enough to kinda run to my car~ and i had an energy drink that i got around lunch.
soo i was driving and decided to open it. It started exploding out and I'm like ASDGADFHSHSRTUGFSHTSRTHSTYDRJ
sooo i start sipping it really hard XD and i get out of breath and still have to keep sipping it. XDD
it's not even open all the way~ and i just left it like that after it stopped til i got home :P
anandnndnnddnnddnndddd that's part 1 i guess~ :P