Zombieland is hilarious, also it was close to the idea, but HotD made the most probable theoretical assumption of how zombies could act. I can list my theory on zombie activity here, but then again, meh.
replicas are easy to break if i'm not mistaken, they have a warning on them not to be used for actual cutting
It is not wise to be so confident in your statement if you do not have proof that zombies do act a certain way. Anyways, at least I will not die a virgin during the zombie apocalypse.
LOL Slayn. XD Zombies are sensitive to fire, resistant to cold, weak against holy and immune to poison and dark.
Its not confidence, but rather assessing what characteristics have the highest probabilities. Many people will dispute it but the thing is, it is what is most likely, the Walking Dead also has a depiction of zombies with a high likely hood. It's all theoretical.
I dont know whats up with all the people talking about zombie apocalypse... It wont be happening, we have a better chance of getting destroyed by a random meteor or some retard going full force and throws a nuke