[LPW #45] Ogura Yui-chan ga Daisuki~

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its a troll. not a twist just pure troll. Steins;Gate is still on my top 5 to watch list but haven't bothered trying yet. the internet is too slow for some reason
All those robots fight and stuff looks too cliche and just the way the characters act while fights just disgusts me... I couldnt stand it

Steins;Gate is easy my all time favourite, u better hurry and watch it :P
Hmm still say that code geass is a good anime even with mecha xD

Stein gate... movieeeeeeee :runhappy:
Code Geass, never really liked it despite its MC sharing the same birthday with me..

the Higurashi anime was pretty addicting though
Hmm i heard they were making one anyway... hope its not some recap or shoving all the episodes into a movie =.=
Hm Higurashi... I found first few stories very good but those next ones lost my interest

sammi> Probably just a recap if it is only one movie... Like they did with first Berserk movie
Higurashi... some odd stuck repeating similar events thing...

Blahs recaps usually arent that great...
hmm well... those pilots are acting shit when at cockpit... then you must watch evangelion. tragic story, and more. no shitty pilot conversation
Lol thats that old show? I am not sure cause I dont really like that animation
that why evangelion is interesting. the main character is so weak..
edit: evangelion got a remake... the animation is superb
Then I might just get it xD... Too bad filefactory premiums are also getting weaker... Everytime some smartass has to take the freea ccount he found and change the pass and take it to himself...

There are many on AS, could u link me with those remakes?
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there is nothing on bakabt so I dont wanna risk it anywhere else xD. Just find it here and send me Ill manage xD
I alredy watched Full Metal Panic, havent finished it though, was okey cause it had good characters and some nice humor
I prefer torrents too, but its a hassle finding quality ones though with sharing sites its trouble getting premium xD.

Wait evan has few movies right? Just one was animated again or?
those old episodes are remade into several movies.. the latest one is third movie, but there is no BD version yet for third movie
But what u gave me is first one right? And is second one out on torrents yet?
Itd better be, if not Ill probably be dropping it in 3th minute
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