[LPW #46] Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

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D: everyone is so mean. go after samy instead

havent seen the old faces around lately. maybe frank did something to scare them off
i can see samy topping a million posts. lets see, average of ~190 posts/day, so only 14 years to go samy! you'll beat that post to a million thread.
It's sammy fault for refusing to die.

Hmm old faces. Well a dead member is better than a lurking member. =\
that's giving me idea. let's create a zombie movie : the lurking dead. how?

Sis- You listen to music that no one can understand
Me- Music is about sounds
Sis- Well one direction is hotter *runs off*
Me- =_= *thinks- that has nothing to do with music*

For your sister Sammy.
Lol if theyre selling for looks then... i suppose they can keep selling until they turn ugly :goodtea:
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