In my dream:
I was riding a car with someone I didn't even know. We rode it for hours driving on a road with only fields around us. Then, we saw village. But when we arrived, I was kicked out of the car, and the car was already gone when I got up. I randomly walked around the village (it was damn big...) but after a long time could find only one woman. I asked her where the car went, and she pointed me in some direction. I followed it but then I came upon dead end... When I turned around, behind me were... tens, no... HUNDREDS! of... KIDS!!! They stood on the ground, sited on trees, on roofs of the buildings, they were everywhere! And they all looked at me with angry expression. One second I thought it was the end for me... But when they all attacked... It didn't even hurt... And because of their numbers they often hit the other kids with stones the threw at me... Well, I stood there for a bit while they were hitting me dealing 0 damage for a minute... Then I got annoyed... I began hitting them, kicking them, throwing them, breaking them, ripping them, eating them (?!), etc, etc, etc... And for some reason I didn't even stop after they started running away... I chased them until I've killed all of them... Then I became Dark Sonic (not Shadow, Sonic, but black) and ran at amazing speed blowing everything and anyone who stood in my way. Then when I finally found the car they kicked me out from, I simply got back in it, and sat at the place I was sitting like nothing even happened...
Bye Samye, have some mad dreams too