[LPW#48] Go find your own imouto, don't take mine!!!

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Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

But isn't that mad as well? How can you judge whether someone is mad if you aren't mad yourself?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

But are you mad? If you are mad than how can you say that I am or I'm not mad?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

I never said that you are mad, but just proved yourself mad so there is no need for me to say it now. Am I mad really? Hard to tell myself.... Although people still do tend to call me mad or crazy...
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Then we are both mad?! But whose mad is the right mad?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

what are you talking about?

Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Is there a right and wrong to mad? Isn't it just that someone who is mad is mad and someone else who is mad is mad too?!
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

what are you talking about?


Are you sure that is mad? If Sova is mad and I am mad, how can that be mad?

Is there a right and wrong to mad? Isn't it just that someone who is mad is mad and someone else who is mad is mad too?!

But if there are opposite of mad, my mad is one that could not be mad or you could not be mad! What is mad?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

As I said, there is no supreme mad! What is mad is mad, and what is not will become mad later! But that pic isn't mad yet...
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Are you sure that is not mad? It could be mad, just as I or you could be mad? Are we mad if we accept that we are mad?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Isn't accepting the fact that you are mad is mad too? Are you saying that you will stop being mad if you stop rejecting your madness? But I think that that pic isn't mad... Is it because I'm mad that I think that it isn't mad? Is it because we are more mad than it is?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

I think we are more mad that we don't think it's mad. Is not accepting your mad another part of your madness? But could that picture be more mad if we are not more mad than that picture, is that picture the epitome of madness? Are we really mad? If we are mad enough to say we are mad? Are we true to say we are mad? Are we true to say we aren't mad? Is truth madness?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

that's the dude of the MAD magazine. :goodtea: and since you say you are mad, you cannot be mad.
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

ARe you sure that I am not mad or are you mad for thinking I am not mad? Also I missed that show and it's skits.
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

You might obtain madness yourself lol.
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

if you want to see mad

google vegeta......
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Madness is the truth! No matter what you think the truth won't change. No matter what you think madness won't be gone. If you are thinking that you aren't mad and all others are mad is that really mad? What if you really aren't mad and everyone else is mad? What if everyone else thinks that you are mad? Are you really mad just because you deny it? Aren't you mad if you accept it as well? Aren't you mad enough if you think that everyone else is mad? Aren't you mad when you think it's only you who is mad? Aren't you still mad even if you think that nothing or everything is mad? That is the epitome of madness? What says so? Isn't it just Shiki mad enough to think that that pic is mad? Aren't we mad enough to not think that it isn't mad?

P.S. Madness over 9,000!!!!!!!!!
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

if you want to see mad

google vegeta......
Why not be mad perhaps, you can be the correct mad if there is a mad that is correct. When your mad you become clear.

Are you sure about madness being the truth? Perhaps truth is not madness but organization! But perhaps organization is mad itself! Are you sure truth will never change, is it madness to think so? What about not so? Is that madness as well! Are you positive it won't be gone after all it's madness, whose to say it will or won't? Is it truly mad to think that everyone is mad as they could be jealous or hopeful like they can be mad is that mad? What if we are not mad to think we are mad perhaps we know the truth but they do not once again can we say that truth is truth if we are mad? Do we have a false truth or a false madness if we are mad? What can we believe in if our madness is false and not madness but truth or not truth but mad?
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

So if that mad is correct then that mad isn't even mad? But if everyone is mad enough to not think that that mad is correct but instead think that they are correct and mark that mad as madness even though who is truly mad is them? What then? If it is only you who knows the truth and marks everyone as madmen who doesn't? Will you not question your madness?

Just as I wrote in my P.S. below above ;p
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

You did read what I just finished? It has to be a wall as there is no change of subject.
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Hmm talking about madness and stuff? :goodtea:
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

Made me laugh when that was said.
Re: [LPW#48] go find you own imouto, don't take mine!!!

But that mad may not be mad but truth, because truth may be madness it may not be as well! If everyone is mad then they may be all mad even though that may be madness in them, is madness an ibtainable item can it be given and passed down like a subject in school and be correct? Are the schools even correct? What if it isn't only me but you as the sane one can we say yu are correct or me or is sanity madness itself? Do you question your madness, your teachers, or your parents?
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