Hmm and im just cold here x.x I wonder where person ish... needs to talk to her and confirm random stuff =.= Mehs no movie probably... Other people cant come :/
Hmm my last dream was something of an underground world? Forgot what i was doing before but anyhow this place was only open during halloween and it was about to close~ I went cuz i hadnt visited before and there was basically a small village there with disproportionately large mazes inside the houses~ Treasure and stuff inside the houses which i was sort of after ;p The way to reach was by one of those pipes like in mario? There was another large pipe at the other end of the village where people left but the whole place gets flooded when its time to close... Anyhow i was thinking "one more house" right up till closing and almost got trapped inside xD But there was an alternate method to leave further up along the pipe should the main entrance get flooded so i got out there~
Hihi... hmm forgot your other name... xD I remember calling you something else before...
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