[LPW#48] Go find your own imouto, don't take mine!!!

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I swear to God that NA players are the most retarded players in LoL. I got teamed with a Nasus who bought Runaan's Hurricane.
There are plenty of idiots in LoL anywhere, Decalcomania... Like Tristana who never helps her team and goes solo against 4 players... Also friendly Fiddle that never finishes off his enemies... Or blind Brand...

Anyway, mad morning everyone. I woke up... And strangely I can't remember seeing any dreams this night...
Fiddledicks is pretty annoying with that fear effect, especially when I'm about to kill him. Oh, and Tristana players always think they're OP because her late game is godlike.
/me attempts to kill sammy by setting fire to his essays

Hmm aflpw to play Witch's Garden. =|
What kind of assignments? Assassination ones?

And yeah, Fiddle is evil... Especially if your team gives him penta and feeds him until he has 1k AP...
[MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION] ; Play it, finish it, give me your review. Because it looks interesting and the artwork is semi-FAVORITE-esque (Not counting the eyes).

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; An even more annoying character would be Karthus and his ult. Even more annoying than Karthus is Ashe. Even more annoying than Ashe is Teemo. Even more annoying than Teemo is Evelyn. Even more annoying than Evelyn is Volibear/Blitzcrank.
one of my friends is addicted to LoL and quite a skilled player, but he retired :/
Well... We had Fiddle + Blitz + Ashe + GP + Jax against us... And when your team is bunch of useless idiots and enemy team is a premade with 700+ wins each you usually lose...
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