[LPW#48] Go find your own imouto, don't take mine!!!

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i am here now, but just saying.. not lurking atm. just not feeling like posting, so meh. currently planning to steal all of franks imoutos and osananajimi to bring them to the wellfare.. handing them out and stuff.

sharing is caring or something.. or i will just keep them safe.
[MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION]; actually I have older brothers, Beard and Goatee, cousins, Muttonchops and Sideburns. My imoutos are Ponytail and Pigtails. Oh and my estranged little brother, Mullet.
aexl.. twintail and pony imouto??? WHY IS THIS WORLD SO UNFAIR?!

btw.. arcueid mine..
Hmmm... Why do I feel such a strong urge to hit my head on the wall...

So boring here... I guess I'll go playing Project Diva F and try completing all songs on hard mode on PERFECT...
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Musangbeku hakken... Lurker [MENTION=10115]Kacta[/MENTION] hakken... Lurker [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] hakken... Lurker [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] also hakken...
[MENTION=10115]okthisdoesntworkwhenthenameisalreadyusedlikehentai[/MENTION] like this? what is everyone up to? any new games out? any new music out?
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Who have you mentioned? You meant it like that: [MENTION=23970]Hentai-kun Shiki[/MENTION]?

And yeah, I deleted a mention of Musangbeku later cause I couldn't add a capital M in it...
Ma...whatever, King actually went on eBay, found what he wanted to get, after a bit of debate, got what he wanted to get :P King is very happy today. :3 How are you guys? :3
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