School and work are both boring. They will stay in your life until you get old enough. xD
@Terumi - Who doesn't wants a good-paying job? xD
Also Terumi, i was just watching a Dissidia Duodecim trailer, and no Rydia again. T-T (Kain is cool, but i so wanted Rydia in this game, even if she was like Yuna t-t)
To a certain extend school is just part of the road to a higher earning job, but not is not always necessary the case, a lot of entrepreneur now isn't exactly all highly educated but they saw the right moment in time to invest in their business. Having said that, I do believe that knowledge = money.
two corpse links少女連鎖-~heart-of-the-distortion~.1068100/少女連鎖2~童貞少年・快楽調教責め.1077154/
hi, your Maten link is expiring a couple of the videos "", three of them, can you please get them out of frozen state before it gets deleted, thanks