[LPW #5] Smile for Anime Sharing!

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@ Coco - so your imouto is not twintail DFC? ROFL

@ pryce - just turn 21 one week before.
@check~ then advance happy birthday :3

@kou~ belated happy birthday :3

lol, coco are you seriously 19?

how about you blue?
@Check I wanted an exact guess on my age >_>

@pyrce who knows? :P

@Kou lol nope she's not >_>
@ Cocona - Poor cocona. =/ But it's better that way. Or would you like something like incest? x.x

@Pyrce - "How about me" what? '-'
@ pryce - thx~

Iggy should know Coco's age i think~
@Blue real life incest is disgusting so no >_>

Ignis knows nothing!!! Nothing I say!!! @_@ He knows a bit about me
@pyrce yeah. At least in till March 27.

@Check nope :P That's it for your freebies xD
@coco~ i'll make sure to write that on my calendar. i'll ask you on that day if you don't say you're age here at this moment.

lol, i'm going to sleep now, it's already 1 am here. night everyone :3

@blue~ just post your answer, i'll be online later once i woke up. :3
lol I'll say it when it's that time. It's my birthday after all. Bye~
@pyrce Oyasumi~

@Nemuru >.< are you angry with Onii-chan

@Coco well whatever :p
LoL Check might be losing his imouto's love. xD

@Pyrce - I'm 17; i'll be 18 this year. xP

Also, i just noticed... This thread is almost ending. =O
>moura: Fractale is fucking boring, when will you quit the industry? I wish as quickly as possible

>Yamakan : As you wish, today

Yamakan, balls of fucking steel. wwwww
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@Kou I think some of the Japanese characters conflicted with your post and cut it in half. What about Fractale?
@ Coco - bah.... cut off the jap part.

@ Bluemage - not completely random, at least it is about the anime airing now.
@ Coco - Check means the lpw. Edited the post just now lol.
Oh right... I'll get this win for Check this time... if I win :P
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