[LPW#51] Title..? Loli? Hmm.... hmm... Zzz... zzz....

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Someone called my name? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do on this thread but since I'm here, might as well find out. XD
Somehow? U mean by sniping :P.

Gratz COins, and good morning luvs :D
Because everything they do and say has clearly demonstrated that they're perverts. =(
Hmm... ok... xD

A melancholic memory of twilight~
Right before the break of dawn~
World still obscured by night~
When I come upon a small fawn~
Awake while the world was at rest~
I wonder at my curious find~
Why one such as her would be~
Alone on this dark forest?
My whispers carried by the wind~
She gazed around warily~
But seeing that it was only me~
Decided not to flee~
In the dark we sat side by side~
Watching color fill the sky~
Then she disappeared among the trees~
Somewhere I couldnt follow~
A place I am denied~
If only I could somehow fly~
Yet a melody floats by on the breeze~
Telling me to return tomorrow~
For there will always be another day~
And I can always hope for another way~
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Perverseness is written all over their accounts. I can see it.

It's Little Inferno~ It's Little Inferno just for me~
I've got the fireplace that burns at a hundred billion degrees~
It's Little Inferno just for me~
I've got these old toys! And I got this box of memories!
Shove 'em in the fire, and breathe in the flaming potpourri~
It's Little Inferno just for me~
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