[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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Dark> Mirai Nikki becomes more and more of a trainwreck as it gets closer to the end... It had so much potential...
So i will burn this one to a BD Disk and store it and then deleted from the HD... guess some anime starts good and the end disappoints... ah well
Well I finished like half of it yesterday... Then I got a terrible headache as it was ending... It will just annoy u if u are not ready for mindfuck (this time in bad manner) xD.
Search and Destroy.. Well I'll be gone to do some work around garden... Cu luvs later
Well I finished like half of it yesterday... Then I got a terrible headache as it was ending... It will just annoy u if u are not ready for mindfuck (this time in bad manner) xD.

I get... so burn this one to hell :D

I am watching the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT

the 2 first episodes are awesome i drop down form my chair from the laughing
I don't frequent asf but when I do visit there's a new lpw.. :surprised:

so..... good evening, people

/me goes back to lurking
Obligatory killing of the day~

/me runs a truck over [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION];
good that frank stopped trying to kill me. :goodtea:

/me shoves little green balls of death into angel's mouth
Hmm... wha? xD Ah well i guess ill be going now~ Goodnightys everyone~ And the mirai nikki manga wasnt bad imo? xD Idk about the anime... the plot twist was something i didnt really expect anyhow x3 I guess its tastes there?
The main protag even had underage sex with that yandere... in a futon in which a hatchet is hidden ...
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