[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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hmm but imouto means "little" sister... so unown's younger than you & you're younger than unown... wat
btw...is your area got "pemadaman bergilir" too nazaka?
hmm heard about that but it never happened.. maybe I don't have it or maybe I just haven't experienced it yet... what a weird method to save electricity >_>

My brain is messed up already.. by philosophies & such
hmm....well..it'll be three hours and untill the 5th i think=/
You mean the last day that thing is implemented is april 5th?
so did your area have a blackout yet?

/me supports frank
/me launches zombies to eat frank's brain.....

yes..it's untill 5th of april...there's a broken sutet tower in west java i think....
Yep, indo's government decided to turn off the electricity supply to each region one by one, they say it's to save electricity :\

I see... hope it doesn't happen when my laptop is on
Theyre making blackouts to save electricity? :/ Sounds like itll be a boring day... and ill actually finish stuff... xD
/me plans to make blackout in sammy's house to help sammy save electricity
Hmm only three? Then that means i would waste it all playing touhou or whatnot and basically not even feel the effects...
I would probably do the same, if I don't forget to charge my batteries that is..
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