[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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『Aaaaaaaand... 6666 posts! ;p』

『And so I'm off to college...』
Since i dont get what are you talking about ill keep meowing until i do. Nya, nya, nya.
*dodges* Nyo ! Did you played metal gear ? cats are inmune to all attacks ! Nyah hahahaha !
With... YouTube auto stops whenever I change to another fracking tab? Something else to say that the iPad is crap... It's so smart that it's crap... Does way too much by itself whether I want it to or not =.= just gimmeh back my music...
hmm...the tension in pasific is high now=/...hope they're not start it...

i think you always nuke someone's house frankD=
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