[LPW#57] (Insert Title Here)

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Came back, you bastards ! You are not gonna off me THAT easily ! Oryaa !
/me kills off Lord Zero unconcsiously, innocently, moely :goodtea:

hello, perverts.
Hmm and now the sun is up... time to sleep =w= Nightys everyone~ :goodtea: See you whenever~

Mehs... couple more hours to go for that darn crappy final sighs...
/me One Shot Kills lord Zero

Whats That??? That Red Train Hit You? - That Was Me!!! :PPPPP

LOLZ - Just Kidding Pal'
Morning Infa! ^^

Also, I made a Thread in Graphics Showcase.
Posted the renders I have, feel free to use ^^
If you see a title of a VN you haven't played yet..you shouldn't open the spoiler :3
One of your renders in your new thread (the happy girl one)? Not shinigami no testament, I have read that around a year ago XD
what..? :reallyconfused:

You've lost me :3

you said there was one of a NTR VN. The only render there of a VN is Shinigami no Testament :o

Dracu Riot is in translation progress.
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