[LPW#57] (Insert Title Here)

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Haha. Whenever I feel inexplicably terrible, I usually blame it on that. Or Sundays, for some reason I often feel crappy on Sundays. :P
Haha. Whenever I feel inexplicably terrible, I usually blame it on that. Or Sundays, for some reason I often feel crappy on Sundays. :P

Man, in fact today i felt like crap for no reason at all. I usually blame my brain not working correctly due to lower levels
of the required neurotransmitters. Aka i need to eat some bananas and milk in order to manufacture some extra typtophan...

But you answer is kind of ok as well.
i don't make excuses lol. i just let people know if i offend them that i'm having a bad day
BTW do we have an image recognition thread ?
Some days ago i found a couple of gifs from an anime that i dont recognize. But seems like it is quite funny...

『Tadaima... Seems like it was a short day at college today... At least a single plus...』
Yay for crap online fill in the blank answers that tell me the long for of a name is wrong cuz they want the short three letter form...
『Okay, I couldn't understand what you said Samye, but yo anyway...』

『And I have to paint 2 Christmas Tree decorative toys in Inkscape in 5.5 hours or I'll get lowered mark for it...』
Lol hellos sova xD

Im doing some late online homework and one of the questions asked what was some hormone or another so i put parathyroid hormone as my answer but they wanted PTH as the answer and marked me wrong though theyre the same exact freaking thing :/
『Now that is really unfair... Do they even know the answers themselves?』
Lol hellos sova xD

Im doing some late online homework and one of the questions asked what was some hormone or another so i put parathyroid hormone as my answer but they wanted PTH as the answer and marked me wrong though theyre the same exact freaking thing :/

Yeah because they are complete retards. I understand that feeling.

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