[LPW#58] It Had To Be Done

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I don't especially mind if it's around, but the damn thing was hitting me! He knew what he was doing :enraged:
『So you are so weak you could die from simple fly hitting you?』
Well he could grab it and keep on clenching his fist till he is outside and release it w
『Survival of the fittest? Its just a meaningless killing. There are thousands of ways to make it go away without killing it and even if you chose to do nothing you would lose nothing... Yet you chose to kill it.』
Most humans never think animal's life are precious (?)
You should be a buddhist, they don't allow you to kill animals
『I couldn't care less about one of our stupid religions. What you've done is murder. For what reason? "It was annoying." So if "annoying" is enough reason for you to kill... Why not just join me on my mission to kill all humans? There isn't a single human on this planet that isn't annoying.』
if i were able to catch flies, i would have let it outside. that's what i do for most bugs

and there is a huge difference between insects and humans. for instance, most, if not all of them lack consciousness. they live purely on instinct. and do flies contribute in any way? i don't actually know
I guess he has a similar feeling on wanting to kill that fly just like you wanting to kill all humans. I think.
They also east it. I don't mind saving bugs though. They're life spans are shirt so i feel a little bad killing them, But the ones that fly take a lot of effort to catch
『Take a lot of effort? You just hold out your hand and wait till they sit on it, afterwards you just calmly and slowly take them to the window and let them out. That's how I do it...』

『There are thousands of humans who gather around shit and don't contribute in any single way. Why not just kill them then?』

『Nazaka, I can think up thousands of reasons to kill humans. Can you do the same about flies?』
Well, not thousands of reasons, probably one or two... :p

and most likely many of those reasons you have will appear illogical to us
『It is that simple. I already told you that I've done it this way countless times, right? You just don't even try...』
『Well, if you think "Cause it was annoying" is a completely logical reason, then all of my reasons are too...』

『You just have to make it clear to yourself and the fly that you aren't going to hurt it...』
『Kamikazi fly? What the hell is that? Another "comepletely logical" reason to kill a fly?』

『Anyway, I have to go to college now... Byes...』
a kamikazi fly is a fly that's willing to sacrifice its own life to annoy me by crashing into my face

bye mimi
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