[LPW#58] It Had To Be Done

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I guess just a mix of the character art not really being a style I particularly like, and I'm not a huge fan of elf characters either usually.
Ahh i see. I found it pretty interesting that there are 3 nerine routes in Tick! Tack!
nope, three different versions of her. There's the original blue hair i have in the background, red hair who's in the maid outfit, and loli version, my avi
nope, three different versions of her. There's the original blue hair i have in the background, red hair who's in the maid outfit, and loli version, my avi

I was kind of wondering what was going on with those. hahaha :D
yeah, instead of making a set for each of them, it was much easier to use them all in one haha
Yeah, my favorite Water type is Crawdaunt because of his raw power :3 Most Psychic type pokemon feels like glass cannons because of their high offensive stats but low defensive stats :/ I prefer Slowbro in that case since he's an awesome tank and got a decent damage output ^^

Yeah, I know that Gen V had it, but I wonder if Gen VI will continue with it :/ You never know when it comes to pokémon.

Slowbro, hahaha, those were great times indeed. Then again, i think that having reusable TMs is a given, specially in this days when having so many pokemon turn most of them into useless collectable items, to get and put into your shelf not paying them a second thought ever again.
With unlimited TMs you can give them some use.
The amount of salty-ness in video games is very amusing. I laugh at the idiocy of some of these "creatures" hate messages when I body them convincingly.
The amount of salty-ness in video games is very amusing. I laugh at the idiocy of some of these "creatures" hate messages when I body them convincingly.

Methinks that you are a weasel. I like that word. Methinks. Tastes like pale ale.
『Normal more or less... I guess... Finished Naruto Storm 3 storyline... Thinking whether to go finish everything else or just switch to another game...』

『Btw, Infamous, what do you think about Freedom Wars?』
『Erm... Its still in development, you know? Its a game for Vita with online multiplayer that is going to come out somewhere in 2014...』
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