The general knowledge is eroge has better storylines than otome games. Otome games deals with romance drama and angst (of course they are exceptions).
Eroge has a bigger fanbase (actually still small) than the otome games fanbase so you get little translation for them. If i am not wrong, starry sky is party translated.
hmmm. so if i want romance i'll put up with otome. i might try one right now. i'm currently downloading RE: Alistair~ i wonder if it's any good, i don't like the artwork that much~
Yea, if you want drama romance (sorta like korean love drama type) then you go for otome games. Art for otome games always pales compare to eroges because otome game circle/industry is much smaller to eroges.
i should have surmise as much when i saw the screenshots, i just hope that it would be worth of my time~
i'll see if the story is any good~
waaaaaaaaa~ kou~sama...i just opened the gallery on the yaoi link you gave. lol, yes i'm still browsing. i've seen some CG thumbnails on it. my eyes hurt~