[LPW#60]『Madness vs Fear!!! Which one will win!? Find out! Only on MG-TV!!!』

『Which one will win?!』

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DAL confirmed for 2nd season huh.. it seems they have planned it all along...
So it's just haganai & IS all over again in that they burn out all the remaining source materials.. probably w
『Nyaaaaa... This one story quest is too difficult to complete alone... And why the hell do I hate asking help from random people >_<』
When they first planned it there was only 4 or 5 volumes I believe, not enough materials XD
They are rushing it...... I'm reading the LN and it seem like the material for it is very little....

Oh yeah... IS is getting another season or was it a reboot???? I know the LN is getting a reboot... Made me waste my time reading all those vol. then to hear a reboot.....
Took a long time for it to be announce.... Was it a popular anime or not???? Kind of forgot since it died down pretty fast.....
『Bye Nazaka... And damn... Its really god damn difficult... Nearly impossible I would even say...』
They are rushing it...... I'm reading the LN and it seem like the material for it is very little....

Oh yeah... IS is getting another season or was it a reboot???? I know the LN is getting a reboot... Made me waste my time reading all those vol. then to hear a reboot.....

Shit that happens? Sounds rough. :(
Well.... As long as they don't rush it, it will be fine.... Maybe they will use the side story as well from the LN....
『Finally... I completed this damn quest after leveling up a bit...』
Yo sam~

Those side stories adaptation will be released along with the volume 9 of the LN (limited edition)
Hello and welcome, Sammy........ :evillaugh:

Maybe they will use it... It not like it connect with the main story.....
Well not all the side stories, but the encore stories.
The adaptation of the encores are named "episode 13" and it is included with the LE of vol 9
so the encores won't be used there
Oh well... Whatever it is... They are still rushing it....

Yep... That right, Sammy....
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