[LPW#61] Dentist! Drills FTW!!!!!

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Been doing that since day 1. Was watching a bit of LCS also. :goodtea:

SSB was good. Better than Brawl in terms of gameplay also and needed more skill than Melee.
Been doing that since day 1. Was watching a bit of LCS also. :goodtea:

SSB was good. Better than Brawl in terms of gameplay also and needed more skill than Melee.

Oh, well I'm bad at multitasking so I focus on the 3rd stream :/ Really? I wrecked lvl 9 computers with Kirby. 1v3... Never played against others though except a 1v1 against my friends.
I main Pika, Falco and Sonic in SSBB.

And Lv. 9's are easy tbh =/
Skilled human players are much harder :3
Hmm level 9... fighting against three is a pain with some characters... xD Get juggled tons...
I main Pika, Falco and Sonic in SSBB.

And Lv. 9's are easy tbh =/
Skilled human players are much harder :3

I mained... Kirby... in SSB. Too bad that my friends didn't nolife it as much as I did. So it was kinda easy to win :/
I used to play with some friends online..until they all decided to get rid of their Wii -_-
i bet because of the dolphin emulator with its 720p :goodtea:

injustice, kof and mvc3.. muting two streams though..
Who knows :3
I'm not buying that.. I'll definitely buy a PS4 :3

I dunno..they just..got tired of it..who knows =/
Who knows :3
I'm not buying that.. I'll definitely buy a PS4 :3

I dunno..they just..got tired of it..who knows =/

I've heard bad stuff about the PS4. Like that you can't lend games to friends and stuff like that :< Probably... it looks fun though :/
what about wonderful 101 for wii u? D:

that's what the xbox one was before they changed their mind. had to pay fee for used games, had to install the games on drive, had to connect to inet every 24h or so.
With PS4 you can borrow other's game/or used games.

Okay, I heard something about that games would be stuck to your own PS4 so you couldn't do that. But I guess that it was lies then. It apparently costs around 1500 SEK to take a trip to you.
『Hinode, that was about Xbox One + even Xbox One changed that because of many complaints from people...』
That was the biggest fail of the Xbox One. But they changed that :3
1500 SEK.. doesn't say me much D:
[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Oh, must have mixed them up then :/

Hmm, I get 4400 SEK to live for every month and I usually have 2000 SEK left in the end of every month as well.
Oh, then you can visit me sometime :3

I'll be off now.
Play a bit of VN and then probably off to bed

mmh.. i could visit gwee or unown. even hideki or genki, if i wanted to, but mehs. think 7shi would be closer to me.
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