The narration is the best part! I would almost keep playing the game just for that!
I probably won't drop it quite yet, but there were some aspects of the game bugging me already: shields that do nothing against the only enemies I would use a shield for, aiming reticle isn't accurate at all, when you fall it might spawn you in a place where you'll be forced to fall multiple times, the Kid moves too slow, etc.
Also I never really looked at it that close when I bought it (got it because of a recommendation and it was only $2.50), but I was disappointed that everything is 3D animation rather than pixel art, which I was expecting because I saw the view orientation on the game preview on steam. I would have loved a game with good pixel art ;_;
All of these games lately make me want to go play Golden Sun again... you show them how it's done, Golden Sun! Though I guess they made a new Golden Sun game a few years ago that I couldn't even finish it was so terrible... ;_;