[LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOLI'S

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Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

The "hellos" "hey" "nightys" "laters" of the previous pages XD
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

nothing special... playing around at house.... ahahha
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Hellot Nazaka. :)

Oh and you came out of hiding Second. :D
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Trying to be different there eh
Yo pyre
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

It is actually a really obscure reference to something that I like to use every now and then. I've used it here before a few times already :runhappy:
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

I'm never here when you use that

And now I have to go, need to check my TV <<
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

TV not working? Well have a.... good check!
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

xD Have fun fixing the TV Nazaka xD
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

[MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ;'s laughter. He was shouting about how this thing (he called it with some medical definition so I didn't get it) was now his and he had enough power.
Why do people keep dreaming of me.
I guess this is a sign that people miss me...
Or they are scared of me... One of the two :P
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Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

We just can't stop thinking about you :fullblush:
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Please refrain from quoting such long quote, if you're quoting it, please shorten it to the bits you need >.>
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Oh noes Top Gun was watching! :scared:

Yeah that was a pretty massive quote. :P
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

If you want to quote such a big post, please do it in bits and parts as "highlight", so people know exactly which part you're talking about, instead of going through the whole quote which was completely unnecessary in this case. If everyone quote this giant block of text everywhere, this place will be clustered >.>
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Because this place is normally so neat and orderly. But I see your point :goodtea:
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Quoting usually are used to highlight things, not to get a whole book into it to get through your point xD
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

lol quoting a whole book... make the page take an hour to scroll through XD
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

You got the point ;) Its not like we dislike it, but unless the "whole" quote is necessary (which is rare), we don't recommend quoting like this ;)
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

And thus King became a part of a cooperative higher intelligence system.

Either that or 'royal we' :lol:
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Well, it is my duty to watch over Social Sec, can't really fail Seiba now can I? I carry the badge, I do my work ;)
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Please refrain from quoting such long quote, if you're quoting it, please shorten it to the bits you need >.>
Wasn't thinking in that regards.
But I see your point.
Would have did a mention, but it is a pain on a mobile device.
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Doing just about anything is a pain on a mobile device XD
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

No worries bro ;) As long as you got it ;)
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

:hi: lpw whats up
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

hahahahahahhahaa////// :runhappy:
Re: [LPW #64]OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOL

Hey Seemless and Second_Lurk
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大绅士君 wrote on Shine's profile.
subaru471171 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Can you upload LOVELY×CATION2 ラブラブバースデーコレクション vol.1 -吉野谷星音- ? its the only one missing of the game in your uploads

heres the link to it that someone else shared but its premium.
