Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO
mhh i was thinking about hacking my xbox360 but never did it ... i pirate most of my pc stuff so i was thinking meh maybe i will at least buy my xbox games lol
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO
『Crap... I wonder how did that someone managed to render a pic so messy when even after the first round of rendering I rendered picture much more cleanly...』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO
『But still... Uploading such a messy render, such a half-assed work somewhere... I think even quick selection tool would do a better work than that...』
Ahhh, yikes. I was surprised to find an active anime forum other than MAL/Anilist, but I've just realized most people are only here to look for hentai. It's a shame because I'm such a fan of this xenforo forum layout.